Wabi Sabi Birds

Guittard baking chocolate wrapper

Chinese takeout rice container

Stained glass kit box

Beauty from Adversity

At first I wanted to call these Problem Children, but I realize that may not appeal to some. Besides, while they presented problems in the making, it wasn’t their fault, really. The issue lay in the meeting of materials, and that discovery is a large part of why I make these birds. They embody the journey, with the struggles and triumphs along the way.

Most of the outer coverings on these birds were frustrating to work with - they curled and buckled when the adhesive was wet and then shrunk or cracked when they dried. Some of them have thin plastic coatings that resisted the adhesive. Others were brittle or were decorated with inks that reacted with the adhesive or bled into each other. These birds made it through a difficult phase and have distinctive beauty born of the expression of their materials and their struggle with the process I put them through. In my eyes, they are just as worthy as others. They represent what I learned as I made them and persevere in my efforts to show value in ephemeral or overlooked materials.

All are sealed to stabilize and strengthen the finish. I hope you love them as much as I do.